Accessing the Plesk database on Windows Server

Posted:  May 14th, 2018


On Windows Server Plesk uses two MySQL instances:


Plesk SQL Server on the port 8306: for Plesk databases psa and apsc

MySQL server on the port 3306: for Horde, Sitebuilder and clients' databases


Accessing Plesk SQL Server


For Plesk Onyx and 12.5 use plesk utility:


    > to access Plesk database:

Command Prompt:

plesk db

> to run a query in Plesk database:

Command Prompt:

plesk db "select * from <table>"

For Plesk 12.0, 11.x and below use the following command:


> to access Plesk database:

Command Prompt:

"%plesk_dir%\MySQL\bin\mysql" -P8306 -uadmin -p psa

> to run a query in the Plesk database:

Command Prompt:

"%plesk_bin%\dbclient" --direct-sql --sql="select * from <table>"

Accessing MySQL server


> Execute the following command:

Command Prompt:

"%plesk_dir%\MySQL\bin\mysql" -P3306 -uadmin -p

If the password is unknown, reset it