Displaying Windows Server information (version and edition)

Posted:  May 14th, 2016


Windows 2008 Server, Windows 2008R2 Server and Windows 2012 Server are some versions of the Microsoft Server operating system.


Different editions exist for each version: Web edition, Standard edition, Entreprise edition, Datacenter edition, etc.


The following are some methods to display the information related to your windows server version and edition.


1) Using the command "winver"


1) Connect to your Windows server remotely (Remote Desktop)


2) Open a Microsoft MS-DOS command prompt shell window "cmd"


3) Type the following command




4) Press these "Enter" button to execute the command


The information about your Windows version and Edition will be displayed.


Below is a Screen-shot of sample of Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Datacenter edition.





2) Using the command "systeminfo"


1) Connect to your Windows server remotely (Remote Desktop)


2) Open a Microsoft MS-DOS command prompt shell window "cmd"


3) Type the following command


     systeminfo | findstr OS


4) Press the "Enter" button to execute the command


The information about your Windows version and Edition will be displayed.



This is and example of Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Datacenter edition.